Pregnancy & Newborn


Is there anything more fascinating and perfect than new life being shaped in and out of us yet so totally unswayable? Surprise in its extremest form. None of us can predict or foresee in any way what to expect.

Have you ever wondered why mankind - with all our love of controlling everything - has never stopped giving in to that "temptation" of welcoming a little one in our family? I stand in awe of that miracle.

“The miracle of life growing in a womb ·
as precious and sparkling as jewels yet hidden and concealed.”

To be honest, I can't tell you what I find more fascinating: this "hidden" mystery of a precnancy or the "open" miracle of a newborn. Both hold so much LIFE - of any extreme - that I still think it is impossible for us to put this special time of welcome into a few pictures.

Still, I will be honored to capture the Beauty of both phases for you - to give us all

a little glimpse of Heaven

and to remind us to hold dear every little moment in life as it grows and developes so quickly.